Tongue is fine, frenulum not too short or
>too tight. ANY ideas would be most helpful!! I spoke to a pedi dentist and an
>endo to see if clipping under the top lip would help.

Denise I suggest you contact Dr Brian Palmer a dentist who spoke at the '96
ILCA conference in Kansas City.  I don't have his email address at hand but
it should be accessible through the archives.  The tape of his talk is
excellent, easily explains this situation and can be obtained from Repeat
Performances (219) 465 1234. Tape #104.  If the physician is open to it Dr
Palmer may be open to discussing it directly.  He was a participant on LNet
but I don't think he is at the moment.  Others may be able to give you his
address and ph number.  Good Luck.
--"Without interest and passion nothing great has ever happened in history.
               Rhoda Taylor, B.A., IBCLC   Duncan, B.C., Canada--