Hi - I've been nomail for a while.  I'm a LLL leader in Potsdam NY and
am going to the LLLI Conference. Some ideas for Nofia in helping the
woman who is trying to relactate - would the mother be willing to feed her baby
via eye dropper or cup instead of bottlefeeding, during the time the baby

Perhaps there's some nipple confusion going on as well - the BAB recommends
when working with a baby who refuses the breast due to nipple confusion, to have
a day of no bottles and no breast, and instead feeding baby via cup, spoon,
syringe, or eye dropper.  Then the second day, no bottles and offer the breast
for comfort after feedings, and whenever she notices the baby wants to suck.
Maybe she could be wearing the SNS during this time. If he doesn't like it,
take a break from the SNS for a day.

The baby may need another day of alternative feeding before transition to the
breast.  When the baby is comfortable with the breast being offered for
comfort, (a day or 2 later maybe?) the mother can try nursing about a half
hour before the baby is likely to be hungry. In this case, witht the SNS.

Another idea my co-Leader suggests for getting a baby latched on is dribbling a
little milk over the breast to get the baby interested. If she doesn't
have breast milk right now, then I guess she'd need to use formula.

About the doctor who was talking about temporary infant lactose intolerance
- isn't
3 months around the time that colic ends *anyway* for most babies?!
That's what I remember from my own 2 children! Its interesting that he felt
comfortable just stating an observation - if a LLL Leader or a LC had
shared an observation, they might have been disparaged as giving
'anectdotal evidence'.  I mean we are constantly challenged to provide
references, which is good, but shouldn't this hold true for everyone?

Jane Khondker, LLL Leader
Potsdam NY
Mother to Iman 7yrs, Rukan 3 yrs