I just wanted to add a short note about breastfeeding baby's stool
pattern. My fourth child started stooling once a week at about two weeks
and continued with that pattern until solids were added to her diet. The
Dr. was not concerned since it was a consistant pattern. And as
Katherine D. stated, what are they going to do to the baby? Our Peds.
and other MDs who see breastfeeding infants should be required to attend
some type of breastfeeding information class or seminar, or at least be
required to state that they do not have current information on
breastfeeding. Misinformation can do more damage than no information!
    I have not read every new book on breastfeeding but the other day an
interesting 'hypothetical' question popped into my mind - we who work
with breastfeeding moms grasp the impact that a non-breastfeeding
culture has on breastfeeding (not knowing basic information. patterns,
and having seen a breastfeeding baby, etc.) But working with moms for
more than 6 years now, I was wondering if the generation or two of
bottlefeeding is also part of the problems we are encountering? As I
wrote to one of our Group moms, wouldn't that be an interesting study?

Leslie in finally warm Vine Grove, KY