Sorry for the delay in posting this.  the original came back?!

In response to hannah's post:

I got the same letter here in Illinois.  I also recall receiving a similar
request last year or in 95 for a trip to the Far East which I believe was
sent to APSO Lamaze members.  (Sorry I can't remember where but I recall that
Chris Mulford represented ILCA).  It must be  a bulk mailing to ILCA
members.I'm sure there are many others who have received this request and
would like to go, but who makes that kind of $$?
Maybe we could have a lottery or something to grant funding to an ILCA member
who would like to go.  But with ILCA's recent financial problems (operating
funds of only $27K according to the Globe) I hope they are more financially
prudent in the future.  and that includes scholarship funds.
Mary Kay Smith
Romeoville, IL