Recently, one of the moms I helped with breastfeeding came to me for
information on breastfeeding and rickets.  Her baby was diagnosed with
rickets after the mother's incesistence that there was a problem with her
almost 1 year old.  The little girl was not walking and did not like to
weight bear at all.  Rickets were not diagosed until tests were read by a 2nd
orthopedic MD, and happily all is correcting with increased vitamin D

This mom found a group of moms and babies, all breastfed with the same
problems.  The one common factor was that all the babies were in daycare due
to their mother's employment, and all were recieving pumped breastmilk as
well as breastfeeding.  Are there any studies looking at Vit. D lose in
pumped and stored breastmilk?

Awaiting your toughtful replies.

Barbara Heiser