I haven't been onmail much lately. I'm going to try to keep up for awhile.
I have some questions about contamination. A woman called me who lived in
Michigan back in the 70's when we had the massive PPB contamination of the
cow herds. Some chemicals were mixed in with the feed accidentally. Her
daughter is now pregnant. She was told in an environmental course at Tulane
University that because she had been contaminated as a child drinking milk in
Michigan that she shouldn't breastfeed. I would like to be able to give them
some concrete information such as how long PPBs stay in the body. Would it be
in the milk after all this time? And is anybody associated with Tulane? It
sounded like they were pretty dogmatic about it. Thanks.
Marilee Woodworth, IBCLC, LLLL, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA