Dear Friends,

My 24 year old son is extremely ill.  He has not been able to keep any food
or drink down for 11 days.  He was hospitalized for 4 days but discharged
after he kept 1/2 an orange popsicle down for several hours.  They are
running more tests now but can find no problem and think it is all in his
head. He was on his HONEYMOON when it started and driving across country. He
has always had problems with motion sickness and the doctors think the
combination of wedding stress and car trip started it. But he is now
completely debilitated and literally STARVING.
Can anyone out there cite any sources where breastmilk has helped in a case
like this?  I truly believe that if anything would nourish him, it would be
breast milk but the doctors here already think I'm a nut case when it comes
to the subject of breastfeeding so I have to go armed with information!
Please email me privately or call me at 1-800 397-5833.  I am beside myself
as is his bride.  Please don't tell me stories of people with these symptons
who have had more serious diseases. I can't handle it right now.
Thank you all.  I have been off Lactnet for 2 months preparing for the
wedding which took place in Utah and the reception which took place in Va.
I have missed all of you and want to get back in as soon as this nightmare
is over.  THANK YOU ALL.

Pam Wiggins, IBCLC, FRanklin VA  1-800-397-5833