Got hold of one of the WR/Ross pumps.  Very interesting.  There
were 4 LCs, and a pump rep,  all experienced pumpers, sitting at the
table and we couldn't figure out how to put it together.  (Wish I had a
video of *that*!)  Putting the gasket on the inner cylinder was a
particular challenge.  Once we got it together, the next thing we noticed
is that it needs three hands to use:  one to support the floppy
silicone(?) flange on the breast, one to hold the bottle and the third to
pull *up* on the cylinder, which is only about 4" high.  We all pulled it
out of the outer cylinder repeatedly.  IMHO, very awkward.
        Next day one of the gals at the cnf actually tried it out for us
(none of us are lactating right now) and decided it couldn't be used.  To
get enough stimulation to remove milk, the nipple was stretched painfully
long.  (Brave soul actually demonstrated for a couple of us).  I can't
see how this could enhance lactation but can see how it could frustrate
mothers into deciding that pumping was an impossible task.
        Do I need to add that it comes in an adorable cooler bag with
teddy bears all over it and accompanied by freezable ice packs and sample
cans of abm?
Karen Zeretzke, MEd, IBCLC
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
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