I am a new member  of LACNET  and have found it quite exciting.  I almost
feel guilty I pay more attention to this than the news, housecleaning
etc.  Any rate, I thank all of those who have answered my questions thus
far.."Help, I have been asked to  teach the DR's" etc.  I do have
another, and I need some help with this one.
        I am also a certified childbirth Educator (as well as RN,IBCLC)
the subject has come up re: teaching infant feeding.  My supervisor
states that we should teach about both methods.  Presently, we have moved
 to incorporate a 2 hr BF class into our 13 hr classes, with about 10 min
on formula feeding.
      I have convinced her into not having all the educators passing out
the formula co. handouts since the hospital is working toward Baby
Friendly Initiative. Yet, she's tasked me with finding an alternative
handout re:formula to those who CAN ONLY formula feed. (Eliminating the
          As a LC, I personally have a hard time with teaching formula
feeding at all.(Boy, I have become older and wiser)  I asked the LC's on
the floor and they suggested  to pass the formula info out only if a mom
asks for it.
     I am not sure how to pull out from the archives back conversations
re: Parenting Education and formula feeding.
* How are other hospitals touching this subject? Other Childbirth
Educators? *  Any handout recommendations re: formula that doesn't
include formula co advertisement? ( To soothe the boss at this point of
the game, till I have more ammunition?) I can be emailed
[log in to unmask] Tia          Kathy Thorp RN ICCE IBCLC