Evelyn wrote:
>Another situation - has anyone ever heard of a rash on the baby's face being
>caused by the "mother's" hormones while breastfeeding????  A Ped Dr. told a
>mother this, and then put the baby on a topical cream to clear it up.  Baby
>is 1 month old, doing great with BF. Sounded like a contact rash to me,
>started on the cheeks, next rest of the face and neck.  Any ideas?

Unless it is the normal 'milk rash' type rash, it sounds like it could be
food intolerance - something in mum's diet coming through the milk. May be
worth investigating. I get annoyed with doctors trying to just treat
symptoms, and not getting to the cause of things.


Joy Anderson B.Sc. Dip.Ed. Grad.Dip.Med.Tech. IBCLC
Nursing Mothers' Association of Australia Breastfeeding Counsellor
Perth, Western Australia.   Email <[log in to unmask]>