One of the moms in my area is miserable with muscle and joint pain.  Needs
immediate relief while we work on reducing her stress,(husband is out of town
for 2 months, 2 small children=much stress) helping her get rest, better
nutrition, etc.  Anyway, will you wonderful experts give us some information
about Relafen  (nabumetone)? I've already searched the archives with no luck.
Baby is 16 months old and doctor has said stop nursing for 3 days!!  Don't
know why and am working on mom asking more questions and gathering more info.
 Previously she was on 2400mg Ibuprophen / 24 hrs--hurt her stomach.  Knows
she must take these with food.  She is also looking for herbal cures.
Many thanks,
Jane Bradshaw RN,BSN,IBCLC
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