Just to show the other side--the hospital in which I PRN as LC has
birthing suites (Honest, I feel like I should take off my shoes before
entering--gorgeous).  Bewildered grandparents and assorted friends and
relatives  wandering the halls and waiting area often ask me where the
nursery is--and are amazed when I tell them that it's mostly used for
storage and they'll find the baby in the parents' room!  If a mom does
send out a baby, I'll usually find him or her cuddled in a nurse's arms
behind the desk--or asleep in the red cherry wood (matches the rest of
the birthing suite furniture!)  isolette behind same nurses' desk!

And the peds do rounds in the rooms and answer the parents' questions as
they check the babies--it's wonderful!

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus!

Karen Zeretzke, MEd, IBCLC
Baton Rouge, Louisiana