Hi All,
I am trying to source some local support for a lady in Guelph, Ontario,
Canada.  Her baby of approximately 6mo has refused to nurse for several
days now and her milk supply is greatly depleated. She has endlessly
telephoned the local hospital to try and find an LC, but no success as
yet. She seems to have trouble getting hold of LLL, but I suspect she
doesn't know the Canadian number.

The history is very complicated (far too complicated for me to help sort
out), but basically the baby has never been a brilliant nurser and the
mother's choleocystectomy (gall bladder operation) over Christmas seems
to have triggered the nursing strike. We are not sure if the lack of
nursing has led to diminished supply, or the diminished supply has led
to nursing strike. Btw, the baby only received bottles for a 24 hour
period during the mother's operation, and she nursed him against medical
advice, the rest of the time.

The mother was in a highly anxious state a couple of days ago, which
obviously wasn't helping with the pumping (which she finds difficult at
the best of times). Also, her freezer broke down, destroying 30 bottles
with 4oz of EBM each (her backup supply for the operation). Her doctor
told her she had to completely wean before the operation, since the baby
was 6mo and "didn't need breastfeeding anymore" and he was worried about
pain meds (no comment, but I am trying not to sound sarcastic). I think
the doctor's comments have upset her confidence more than she cares to
admit :-(

I have done my best to reassure the mother that it *can* be done - and
have shared with her info from the BAB on breast refusal and coaxing the
baby back to the breast, pumping and use of a nursing supplementer.
Today the baby nursed once for 8 minutes and she was able to pump 5oz,
so she feels things are improving. Any help or just mother-to-mother
support would be appreciated by this lady.
Anna (mummy to Emma, born 17th Jan 1995 and Alice, born 11th Sept 1996)
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