Lisa M. said:

"But I am also wondering............... is there any connection to our
historic lack of breastfeeding?.... After all, human milk optimizes brain
development;   Does human milk contribute to abetter balanced brain
chemistry, or to better development that copes better with today's stress? I
have no idea as to the answer here, but I see such a strong connection with
the rise in cancers, autoimmune illnesses, etc. and the lack of
breastfeeding, that I just have to wonder.>

YES YES YES.  I truly believe this.  And here is another point.  The life
expectancy has risen the last few years because of the advances in medicine
AND MOST OF THE 70+ aged people living today were BREAST FED.  But what
about us baby boomers?  Will the life expectancy go down (even with medical
advances) when WE  get older because most of us were formula-fed or fed
evaporated milk?  Think about it.... Scary, huh?

Pam Wiggins, IBCLC, Franklin  VA