Barbara Wilson-Clay noted:

<<  Take a look at what happened to the natural
 childbirth movement when it was institutionalized and all the Lamaze
 instructors began to work for the hospitals. >>

Better yet, take a look at what happened to the natural childbirth movement
when the hospitals started designating their own nurses as childbirth
educators, and classes went from being Lamaze classes to "Childbirth
Preparation" was the difference between empowering women to
birth their own babies and preparing them for the hospital way of doing
things.  And, my friends, we who work with bf moms and babies are the
recipients of the LACK of natural childbirth!  What we are seeing now in
hospitals are nurses who are designated the "Lactation Specialist" because
"you like bf."  They aren't really, down deep in their souls, lactation
consultants.... although some evolve into truly LCs....and for those, I am
grateful.    But I have a feeling that if we aren't careful, lactation
consulting (and bf) is going to go the way of natural childbirth...."Oh yes,
I exclusively brfd my baby for 3 months!  We only gave him a couple of
bottles of formula a day so he would get used to it and daddy could
participate in his care!"

Cynical in Wheaton, I remain frustrated with the status quo.... Jan Barger