I am so pleased to see you posts. Glad to know you are out there. I would
like your opinion on something that troubles many of us.
In my hospital we have a few Dr's who give Depro-provera to breastfeeding
mothers before hospital discharge.  This appears to go against even the
manufacturer's instructions. Not many doctors or parents here will accept LAM
as *safe.* The doctors insist that progesteron has no effect on lactation--I
disagree. I've seen too many moms with sudden drops in supply that resolve if
the progesterone is stopped.

I would like to continue to recommend that mothers who insist on  hormonal
birth control should try oral an form of progesterone before being given the
depo form. My rational is if a sudden drop in milk supply is seen the oral
form can be stopped while depo stays in the system for months.

What are the effects of such early progesterone in the breastfeeding mother?
Is there an optimal time for homonal BC? I remember something about at least
6 months because of the drop in quantity and quality with combination pills.
Is that true with progesterone only BC methods?

Your comments would help us all
Marie Davis, RN,IBCLC