>A mother came in to our clinic today.  She is a diabetic who's
>is being changed to metformin (Novo-metformin)...{snip}

I am not medically trained, but I know of metformin and it's been around
for years, so I hope "new drug" was new to your client, not a totally
new treatment? I know of a lady who took it while breastfeeding but her
diabetes worsened and she had to go onto insulin (independent of her
breastfeeding). Metformin can theoretically cause hypoglycaemia in the
baby, as it is excreted in breastmilk, so the baby would have to be
closely monitored and most doctors I know would be concerned about the
baby's health. The mother should definitely be closely monitored to
ensure she was on the minimum possible dose of the drug.

I suppose going on to insulin is not something your client or her doctor
would consider? Some diabetics I know would consider it worth it so the
baby could be breastfed for say, three months, as breastfeeding can help
protect a baby against diabetes. Sorry I can't be more positive :-(
Anna (mummy to Emma, born 17th Jan 1995 and Alice, born 11th Sept 1996)
Web Page: http://www.ratbag.demon.co.uk/anna

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