Hi ALl,
Tracy, you mention that this baby has green frothy stools, and otherwise is
fine.  From the little bit og info, this sounds like a classic
foremilk/hindmilk imbalance.  Is it possible that mom is feeding for short
amounts of time on each breast?  (ie: 5 min per side then baby is done?)  If
so, if you can contact her again (if there is no LC in belgium who can help
her) I would suggest that she BF on one breast for 3-4 hours (even if the
baby nurses more than once), then switch to the other breast for the same
amount of time.  This allows the baby to get the hindmilk and correct the
imbalance.  It will take a few days, and even up to 2 weeks in more severe
cases (one that I have seen, anyway) to see an improvement in baby's stools.
 But it will happen!

Hopefully this is the case with this mom, as it is easily fixable.

Good luck, and hope this helps!

Jay Simpson, CLE
Sacramento, CA

Don't you hate it when you can't be right there with a mom??