  I spoke to a mom today with a 2 yr old who is still nursing, and having
been concerned she was pregnant, consulted her ob. She had been spotting a
little, and felt queasy, home preg was negative, and also had a blood
test-negative, so went to see the doc., basically, she wasn't pregnant.
 However hubby in waiting room witnessed an interchange-doc said to his
nurse-"she's still BREASTfeeding" and threw the chart toward the
nurse(several other people were in the waiting area as well) giving hubby the
impression the doc felt he had wasted his time  concerning pregnancy,
etc,because of BF. Hubby's impression was that the doc was very angry-to the
point he asked her "did he do something to you? Did he hurt you? Are you
alright?(Same concerned hub gives her grief about weaning regularly!) Mom was
told she would never get back to normal cycles,  and the longer she cont'd
nursing, the more "messed up" she'd get. My question(mom gave permission to
ask all of you )-she wants to respond to this, to let the doc know his
behavior was unprofessional, exhibited a breach of patient
confidentiality(others in waiting room having heard )etc.
What do you think?  Write a letter now, phone call, wait til the next time
she sees him-did he have a bad day?  Thanks for any ideas!!!  Georgeanne

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