<<I read your post and checked. I can still express a few drops of a
very similar * something* from one pore on each side, and I weaned
eight years ago.  Several of my weaned breastfeeding friends can get
a few drops like this too.  None of us have other breast symptoms so
we figure its OK if it is not uncommon.>>

Just for everyone's information--
There is anecdotal evidence suggesting that some of these discharges are due
to allergies. I have heard at least one LC speak on this topic; she has seen
the association of allergies and a grayish liquid discharge that can be
expressed from the nipples. Since she herself is highly allergic and one of
these women, she obligingly showed us all first person what this looked at
during a small, closed class.  She has seen this in other women as well.

Okay, now ladies...... whip'm out and lets have show and tell!  I, for one,
cannot express a drop. <g>

-Lisa Marasco, BA, LLLL, IBCLC