Hello fellow lactnetters and IBCLC's.  I too am among the new and proud!
Anne Andrianos...if you are on-line, thanks!

I have a situation which I have permission to share that needs your
collective expertise.  My co-worker and I have been involved in
workplace consultation for breast-feeding and have discovered a
disconcerting situation in our own backyard.

An employee who is pregnant and planning to breastfeed has met some
resistance in her worksite in a University setting.  She was planning to
have her husband bring the baby to her workplace (library) during
lunch/break for her to nurse.  Her supervisor informed her that it would
not be possible for this to occur since it was strictly against policy to
bring a child into the workplace.

We are currently reviewing policy to see if this is so.  I highly doubt it.  If
it is, we have been fragrantly breaking it in Nursing!  Have any of you run
across this type of situation.?  If so, what tactics were helpful in
reversing the situation to make it baby friendly?  Your input is greatly

Thanks in advance,
Cindy Anderson, IBCLC (first time!)