Hello all, my name is Nancy Kramer, and I recently became a LLL Certified
Breastfeeding Peer Counselor.  That's about my only lactation-related
qualification other than I am also an EMT-trainee and a nursing mother of a
16-month-old. I have been enjoying the content of the messages on Lactnet
but have so far been too timid to venture into the fray.

However, I did want to comment on the mother with the history of GD who is
nursing through her pregnancy. I'm sure others will offer more specific
advice, but here's some wisdom from the LLL Answer Book that I thought was

"Breastfeeding can reduce stress, which aggravates diabetes" (gest. and
ID). Mom can rest while breastfeeding and can relax as a result of the
hormones released during breastfeeding.

That's about it.  Perhaps I won't be so timid now!

Nancy Kramer
Glad to be here...