Although it is true that goat's milk is no better than cow's milk as a
substitute for bm, or abm, it can be a real help when allergic children
get older and mom is tired of pumping bm for all manner of cooked and
uncooked meals.  My son was extremely allergic to many things,
especially cow's milk, wheat, soy, and tomato - one drop on his skin
would bring on immediate wheals.  His main nourishment for at least 14
months was bm and I gradually added some types of fruits, vegetables and
rice. (My diet was also very limited due to his extreme allergic
However, I did find that he was able to drink goat's milk with no
internal or external consequences.  So that is what he put on his cereal
or drank with meals or what I cooked with (and drank) for quite a few
years.  He can now tolerate yogurt, sour cream, and ice cream but never
has drunk straight cow's milk.  If you are purchasing goat's milk
straight from the source, inspect the barn and milking parlour - the one
I used was cleaner than my own kitchen.  Look for certification from
local health inspectors.  This is especially important if you buy your
milk "raw" (I was happy that my supplier pasteurized all of her milk -
it is certainly the safer way to go although some vitamin content will
be lost).  Anyways, it has been my experience, as well as others, that
although goat's milk may not be nutritionally superior, it is a possible
non-allergenic source of liquid nourishment as the child reaches
toddlerhood and beyond.  And it could also be something that the mother
could drink which would not bother the baby (through her bm).

                                                   From Sharon K., 4H
Leader, who may actually be able to attend the ILCA
                                                       confererence next
year because they are switching the date of the County Fair