MD ordered Vermox 100 mg orally every day for 3 days for mom who delivered

Mom from country where pinworms is endemic and no one treated.
Came to United States 4 months pregnant.
I understand that this drug is countra-indicated in pregnancy and that use in
breastfeeding has not been established.

OB states not to breastfeed. Mom to pump and dump.
Pediatrician says OK but may decrease milk supply. (Baby put to breast at 1
hour of age and fed like a champ:).

Since mom has only colostrum at this point, what can we expect re: start of
lactogenesis?  Anyone with any experience with this drug?

Is it safe in breastfeeding?

What alternative drugs could have been used safely?

Arnetta Dailey RN IBCLC  in Hot! Hot ! Houston, Texas