Jeanette:  It's time to stand your ground and challenge them to show just  how
serious they really are about going Baby-Friendly.  Politely but persistently,
assert yourself and 'splain it to 'em.  If they REALLY want to be Baby-Friendly,
they will find some other bookkeeping avenue thru which to pay your salary.   If
they would really consider having you work for free, I think they are all show
and no substance.

Then they can tell the abm companies what to do with their payola.  Do the dairy
companies provide free butter to flavor the meals of the patients in the cardiac
units, provide large grants of $$$ to the hospital administration, and send home
one-pound samples with the recovering heart bypass patients?  Would they then
expect to pay the salaries of the nutritionists and physical therapists out of
those grants from the butter companies?  I think not.  (Not an exact analogy,
but you get the point.)   Just my .02 worth.

Good luck!!   :-)
Phyllis Adamson, BA, IBCLC
Prvt. Prac. - Glendale, AZ.
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