Hey Netters,

I am so excited.  I was at Loyola Medical Center (One of Chicago's big
hospitals) visiting a close friend in the cardiac transplant unit.  He is
next in line for a heart transplant.  Of course I brought all the information
I had received from the Milk Bank Conference on Dr. Harlan Wright's lecture
"The Use of Donor Milk in Solid Organ Transplantation".  I am hoping the
cardiologist will be open to the idea of oral human milk management post
surgery.  I was waiting to be kicked out of the hospital as a psychotic.  I
am trying to connect the 2 Drs. up to discuss the ins and outs of it.
Also,  just attended the NILCA (local ILCA group) meeting that had a NDT and
chiropractor lecturing.  Interesting info.  I will try to share next post.

Pat Bull, RN, IBCLC
The Breastfeeding Connection/Medela
Naperville, IL