Hi All!  I have a mother whose created some questions that I'm not quite sure
how to
answer.  The usual responses are just not appropriate for her situation.

This is a young mother G3P2 who nursed her first for for an extended period.
second child was born 2 months early was 4# 11oz at birth and is now  8# 6oz at
5 months, she recently found out she is pregnant, now 8 weeks.  As you can
probably see her pediatrician is concerned about her baby's weight gain (she
gained 1 oz this past week)  and he would like her to supplement.  She does not
want to use ABM.  I've done the normal counseling on how to increase her supply.
She is currently using milk she saved from when her daughter was in the NICU to
supplement using bottles a couple times a day,  baby goes back and forth and
dosn't seem to mind.

The question is mother would like to pump and give baby hindmilk she refuses to
stay on long enough to get.  Should a mother with a history of preterm labor be
pumping even if its early?  Her last baby was preterm due to a UTI.  Can anyone
share a way they have achieved getting a 5 month old to nurse longer to get the
hindmilk, baby is quite uncooperative.  I would appreciate input from any
physicians on this. TIA.

Suzanne Wright RN, BSN, IBCLC from now cloudy but finally warmer (48) Harvard,