G'day all!

I know you are all waiting with baited breath for today's offering from the
Chicago Tribune. There is an "interactive advice columnist" named E. Jean
Carroll; she has a monthly column in Elle magazine, a call-in TV show (Ask E.
Jean) on America's Talking, and a new book, "A Dog in Heat is a Hot Dog and
other rules to live by."  I've never heard of her, but then I don't do TV
(except for MASH reruns and the occasional old I Love Lucy).  In any case,
rule number 4 of her 11 rules to live by:

"If your mother didn't let you breastfeed, she just wanted to be friends."

And that, my friends, is today's tidbit....

Jan Barger, getting warmer in Wheaton, where yesterday, after contemplating
how to describe Tim's amnesia in computer terms (kilobytes, megabytes) and
deciding that losing the first 11 years of your life is comparable to losing
billions of gigabytes, I've decided that he probably lost a "biggah-byte."
 (Drawl when you say that).