Re the person who posted with a diagnosis of MS:
Before accepting that the prognosis is poor, I would posthaste get hold of
a British book on MS written by Judy Graham, published by Thorsons, some
years ago. The dietary treatment in that book stabilised her MS and she has
not progressed, nor have many other people who have adopted the regime (now
the ARMS diet and widely used by British MDs). She got pregnant and fully
breastfed after diagnosis. Key in the diet are the amounts and quality of
fatty acids, esecially the long-chain PUFAs breastfeeding women make and
give their babies.... Read the book.It will be found via British Books in
print, by any decent bookseller.

As for steroids: I know people who have breastfed on doses I hate to think
about,with babies seeming OK, so don't be in too big a hurry to wean: get
the whole lifestyle under control first.Who knows how much you need for how
long if you sort out the environmental stressors and dietary problems? (I
have to wonder whether you were exosed to cows milk when very young..)

Good luck.....remember that in all immune disorders what one thinks and
believes can be very important to outcomes.Disease occurs in a whole body,
which is more than the sum of its parts.