While reading Milk, Money & Madness, I told my blonde daughter that I'd just
discovered that she wouldn't be able to breastfeed because she wouldn't
produce enough or good enough milk.  Then I shared with her a table that's
listed in M,M &M that some scientist or MD in 1838 composed after a
'scientific study' showing brunettes produced the best milk.  Her response
was to roll her eyes.  My initial response was to LOL!!!

Seriously, all the recent posts about blondes have made me wonder if it's
possible that this 'study' could have been the origin for this prejudice.
 What do you think?

For fun:   Have to share 2 incidents.  Brooke (daughter mentioned above) who
graduated HS with a 4.0, fought a constant battle against the ditzy blonde
image throughout jr.hi & high school.  However, her fight took a hard hit in
her freshman year, when after changing from colorguard uniforms to civvies,
the girls all went to the restroom, and after she finished her business,
Brooke asked the other girls if they had seen her skirt, as she couldn't find
it, and she was sure she had worn it into the restroom.  When she exited the
stall, the other girls pointed out to her that her skirt was up around her
She never will live that one down.

BF dolls:  When Brooke was 6 y/o, she went to afternoon Kindergarten, so she
tagged along to my LLL AM mtgs.  One day, one of our group moms came back to
the group after checking on her toddler in the toy room, choking with
laughter.  Seems as she was standing at the door, that Brooke picked up a
doll & a bottle and proceeded to feed her baby.  Another little girl (my
co-Leader's daughter) picked up a doll & bottle, and said 'I'm going to feed
my baby too!'  Brooke eyed her for a moment, then announced "Well, I'm a La
Leche League Mom, & my baby dosen't get bottles, I breastfeed her!"

Kathe Catone, IBCLC, LLLL       [log in to unmask]