I am interested in receiving information about vasospasms of the nipple ( and
breast?)I have had no personal exposure to any moms with this and will soon have
a mom with #4 child that had constant breastand nipple pain with the previous 3
children.Sheand baby(s) were treated for yeast  Systemically treated with
Diflucan X30 days.  The pain persisted deep in breast and at the nipple as well.
She is hoping to find a solution this time and enjoy the nursing experience with
this baby.
Several months ago there was a discussion about Raynauds of the nipples/breast
and I was hoping anyone with experience with this would contact me by private
This mom has also been previously diagnosed with a low magnesium level. I
remember discussion on low magnesium in relation to breast pain with mention of
a letter to the editor on Aug 1994 JHL.  I cannot find my copy of this journal
and was hoping to locate this letter to xerox and send to this mom.
This mom said her OB/GYN told her they could test for Raynauds. They took
blood,and the lab lost the results.  This mom called me for more information and
I had very little to tell her and no reference material for her to give to her
MD. Any helpful tidbits of information would be appreciated.Thanks.
Robin Musial
Columbus, IN.
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