This is another case of a breastfeeding woman being advised to stop
breastfeeding - because the health professionals don't know what else to do.
This woman has a 2 year old and an 8 week old baby. When she was 12 weeks
pregnant (2nd pregancy) she suddenly developed pain in the pubic symphysis
(the joint in the front of the pelvis). The problem required her to use
crutches during the pregancy, and she was reassured it would get better
after the delivery. She said it was a bit better the 1st and 2nd day
postpartum, but since then she is in pain again. Standing and lying are
difficult for her. She has been resting as much as possible.
She has been told that her options are to stop breastfeeding (as soon as
possible) or bed rest in hospital for 6 weeks (!!).
Is there any evidence that weaning will result in faster reduction in pain
from this pubic symphisis problem??
Lisa Amir
GP / LC in Melbourne, Australia
[Thanks Lisa M and Jan B for the humorous posts]