Hello Everyone,

Just got another call from someone that wants to start up a private LC
practice and wants to know how much money she will make.  I love your post
Kathy Auerbach.  I don't know where the idea came from that a private
practice LC job is fun and makes lots of money.  (it can be fun at times
though) Kathy, you are right in that people do not realize that it does take
risk, marketing, selling, creativity, and long/hard hours, if you plan to
make any money at all.  I have had a private practice for over 13 yrs. and
one (or more) years I made under $15,000 and another year I made over
$50,000.  The difference is the longer hours, I also became diversified and
did mother/baby home visits, home phototherapy visits, lectures all over the
US (remember that Jan), rental station, and sold LC educational literature,
slides, etc.  HARD work and high burn-out rate.  What I really think is funny
is when I was interviewed by Good  Housekeeping, about 10yrs ago.  They did
an article on the working mother  "single mother, working out of her home as
an LC and making lots of money".  I did explain the reality of my job to
them, but of course they print what they want and actually the picture they
printed along with the article was me with my three children playing monopoly
on the floor. How many  of you get to do that all the time??????  At least
 breastfeeding and the field of lactation got some exposure.
In 1993, a survey was done on income of the LC and the results were:
     %8        under $10,000
     %12               $10,000-$20,000
     %22               $20,000-$30,000
     %20               $30,000-$40,000
     %20               $50,000 or greater
Take care all.  It is snowing big time here in Chicago area.

Pat Bull, RN, IBCLC
The Breastfeeding Connection/Medela
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Naperville, IL