To Judy H-K,
   I am not offended by you or by the other person who wrote offering a
different opinion than mine regarding the issue of induction.   While I would
like to believe that there is a right or wrong here, I happen to think that
we are all right.
   I read Silent Knife not long after my c/Sec (and life-threatening blood
infection).  I was so impressed by the book's ideas that I didn't end up
having my second child for 9 years (even though I wanted a large family)
 because I was never going to go through that again, and I felt the medical
environment was only willing to give me lip service toward having a VBAC.
     I bought everything the book said.  I basically still do, except that I
think some things work for some people that don't work for others.    Just
like some medications work for some and cause major reactions in others.
    Prior to my VBAC, I was always enlightening others on the unusually large
numbers of possible questionable CPD diagnoses.  After the delivery of my
second (VBAC, as I said), I realized that I was truly CPD--and no one could
have convinced me of this before I went through the VBAC.    ( My sister and
I both had almost exact situations with all of our births...strangely
enough.)    I was sure that if the doctor hadn't had the major tug of war
with me (during delivery) that the baby never would have been delivered  with
both of us alive and in such good shape.
   I know someone will send me the "I went through a 48 hour labor story and
we made it alive and in good shape", but that is something which I am glad I
was spared.
    This situation reminds me of the exclusively breastfeeding v. the
partially formula feeding moms.  There are those who would say I would have
had a different birth if I had toughed it out and not had a forceps delivery
(high, at that).  But you make the best call you can for your baby at that
time, because you don't know what the future holds for you or your kid.
    I can feel the respect you hold for others throughout your posts, and I'm
sure this contributed to my good feelings for you.  I also have a strong
interest in culture, religion, and how we are affected by both. Sounds like
you are a cool person.
      Gena ([log in to unmask])
  P.S.  I would have emailed this privately, but don't think I can email to