Thanks to all who have posted to the list and to me privately about my client
who is struggling to estab. a normal milk supply for baby # 7.  Toby and
others who posted publically mentioned many mothers who successfully bfed
many children.  Some of the private posts described situations uncannily like
the one I'm working with.

I do have another piece of info about my client.  Its funny how sometimes it
takes sev. contacts to get the whole story.  I consider this an important
clue -- though I don't know what it means, but the mother just told it to me
as a " by the way" aside.  She feels tremendous cold in her chest and
breasts, and really has to protect herself from chills.  This started with
baby #4, gotworse with #5.  By # 6, the first one with whom she exper. lact.
failure, she developed teeth chattering and  the shakes her breasts were so
cold.  She reports that she sits now at the dinner table and spontaneously
begins to shiver.  I find this alarming and have advised her to seek medical
attention for this symptom.  Anyone ever heard of this and have any ideas on
how this could be effected by bfg?  I asked her to observe for blanching of
the nipples when this occurs.  Raynauds perhaps?  she is still pumping only
about 1/2 oz each breast.  She pumped q 8 with classic in double mode for 7
days while still bfg ad lib.  Milk supply has not changed.