I have read Evi Adams the digests that deal with oversupply. She asks if those of you who
recommended cabbage leaves, would you tell her.what"dosage".. how long do you use them for etc?.
We haven't any experience in using cabbage in breasts that are not engorged,, (except for
mastits and plugged ducts). Evi has a mom coming tomorrow whose baby is shutting down and
beginning to refuse the breast because of jetsreams of milk. The mother has tried all
conventional interventions...nursing on her back...letting the first spray flow on to a
diaper...one sided nursing....Evi would appreciate an answer as she is running out of ideas.
This mother has no medical problems and normal prolactin levels.. TIA
Name: Toby Gish R.N.LLLL.IBCLC
E-mail: Toby Gish <[log in to unmask]>
Date: 28/01/96
Time: 05:16:08 PM

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