Hi Amy and all

There have been posts on both LLL Online and Lacnet about babies being seen
by chiropractors and getting good results. I am a chiropractor.  I am not
practicing because I chose to stay at home with my babies and then got so
involved in lactation that I realized I'd rather be a lactation consultant
than a chiropractor!!

There are many different kinds of chiropractors out there who have gone to
different schools with varying amounts of emphasis on heavy duty diagnostics.
 Also, some chiropractors who start their own businesses feel how competitive
the 'market" is (even M.D.'s these days rarely start solo practices because
it is so difficult)  and they end up going to practice building courses which
recommend charging in particular ways and setting up so many visits in
advance for treatments.  Because of this some have this some have less than
shining reputations with patients who feel pressured into coming back
frequently.  Also, from what I understand DOs came to be able to prescribe
drugs when the pharmaceutical companies lost business during the war when so
many MDs were recruited and sent overseas and the companies pushed for DOs to
be able to prescribe.  Now so many DOs practice essentially the same as MDs
that not that many of them use manipulative therapies.   Also, prejudices of
MDs against chiropractic were instilled in the fifties when the AMA perceived
chirpractors as an economic threat YES ECONOMIC - ** not medica**l, and a
committee actually instructed MDs not to socialize with chiropractors, not to
refer to them or accept referrals from them. The AMA has been successfully
sued because of this and had to formally retract these guidelines in the AMA
journal a few years back.  Even so, there remains a hesitancy on the part of
some MDs about the suitability of chiropractic because they have never been
instructed about it just as they have never been instructed about lactation!

My husband (a DC, PhD, MD) and I have always adjusted our children.  A
professor of ours use to adjust his newborn children (he has 10) and gently
mold their heads after their births. We have seen babies doing better after
adjustments.  The saccrooccipital technique some have refered to is a very
gentle touching technique without the application of force.  Manipulative
techniques can have a wonderful effect both on health and body mechanics.
  It has quelled my nausea, taken away my back aches before and after
pregnancy, taken away my headaches.  I have treated people who couldn't
bicycle because of sacral pain and then been able to after my treatment; I
have treated women who had such bad menstrual periods that they missed two
days of work every month and after treatment had no symptoms at all.  Many
MDs and PTs have gone to seminars to learn techniques because they have seen
such positive results.

So, it may be worthwhile for infants to be seen by chiropractors for these
problems.  I would spend some time interviwing the chiropractor and ask
questions such as do you regualrly treat children and infants.  What type of
practice recomendations do you make? etc. so youfell comfortable with the

Mardrey in very windy NH
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