ate:    Thu, 25 Jan 1996 05:30:20 -0800
 From:    Denise Parker <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Motilium(domperidone)

To Denise:

Category = Antiemetic,  stimulates lactation
Domperidone(Motilium) is an investigational drug in the USA, and is not
currently released for sale.  It blocks peripheral dopamine receptors in
the GI wall and in the CTZ(nausea center) in the brain and is currently
used in Canada as an antiemetic.  Because it does not enter the brain
compartment,  it has few CNS effects.  It also is known to produce
significant increases in prolactin levels and has proven useful as a
galactagogue.  Clinical trials are currently underway.
AHL= 2-4 hrs.   M/P=            PB=
PHL=             PK = 30 min.(IM)

Tom Hale

* From "Medications and Mothers' Milk" 1995