I've been reading a collection of "Dilbert" cartoons my daughter got for
Christmas, and just had to share this series.  Dilbert works in an office,
and he and another male employee are talking to a pregnant co-worker.

Dilbert: "When's the baby due?"

Alice:  "Any minute now.  This company has no maternity leave policy, so I'm
going to deliver by the xerox machine and keep working."

Dilbert: "That doesn't seem fair."

Other man: "Yeah, especially if you need to make copies."

Next day:

Boss: "Alice, I noticed you gave birth by the xerox machine this
morning....We don't have a maternity leave policy here, but if you need some
time, I'm sure we can find somebody less fertile to fill your job."

Alice, who now has baby stuck up under her shirt, nursing (!): "Thank you
sir, but I don't expect any special treatment."

Next day:

Boss: "Alice, I've been thinking....since your baby was born in the office,
have you considered naming it after your boss?"

Alice, now holding baby in her arms nursing: "As a matter of fact, I *did*
name him after you."  Boss walks away, only to overhear Alice say "Want some
more milk, Butthead?"

Sorry if this offends anyone -- I thought it was a riot.

Kathy D.