From Sue Huml, LLLL, IBCLC
I subscribed to lactnet about six weeks ago and have enjoyed  lurking, now it's
time to"speak". I'm a rather newcomer to the internet so it's a bit scary going
so public!
I've been an LLL Leader for 20 years and have served in many positions in LLL,
the most exciting being Around the World Division Director where I had
responsibility for Leader operations in 36 countries.  Who ever would have
dreamed that my interest in b/f would take me to Africa, Europe and Latin
America where I visited LLL  Groups?  I was born and grew up in England, now
live in US. Am married for 24 years to Vince (a sweet guy who convinced me to
b/f when I was uninformed) and we have two great children, Melanie (22)  & Rob
(19) both in college at present (expensive $$$ year!)  Melanie will be
graduating with her BA degree at Christmas.  Melanie has been an International
model and that b/f (grown) child's face can currently be seen on the cover of
all the Vidal Sasoon salon price cards worldwide!
- they might both be interested in COLIC. My consuming interest over the last 4
years has been sore nipples and I have uncovered most of the new information on
creating the moist healing environment.  I'm director of education/LC for
Lans---h Labs. and active LLL Leader, and serve on various LLLI Committees.

Re: one year old with no interest in solid food, I've known a number of babies
go 9 - 10 months on bmilk only, - my own son (now 6'5") did not show an interest
in solids until 9.5 months and though he was a wiry baby did just fine.
However, when the baby gets to be over a year I begin to wonder/worry about
other things.  Saw similar case one time w/baby 13 months could not be
interested in solids.  I suggested mother see a speech pathologist who had an
interest in B/f babies. It was determined there was an oral motor development
problem and that baby had trouble dealing with anything other than the
consistency of bmilk.  As I recall baby had specific muscle tone problems in
mouth and a strong gag reflex when it came to solids.  This was never picked up
by Ped. It wouldn't hurt to have this baby checked over.  I'd also want to know
if baby gained weight slowly, or, did baby just stop gaining.  Is height and
head growing? are mom and dad small? what were they like as infants? (of course
if they were bottle fed probably not a true picture of normal growth). Those are
a few things that come to mind.

Illinois, very cold here today