Lisa wrote re a case needing MD/LC for what she heard as being ductal =
Coincidentally,I recently had a woman call with similar complaints,plus =
the following:
        Woman had discontinued breastfeeding due to sore,cracked nipples =
         inability to get babe onto inverted nipple.Mom claims both =
are/were inverted.
Mom had been given shield when in hospital and told me how "those things =
really screwed me up"
Baby would only take left side WITH the shield,and took the right side =
without it.Said she worked hard at d/c it completely,.but no avail.=20
         Mom states she "had so much milk"...

I was not contacted until one month AFTER mom had =
weaned.....................I contacted Md office-how nice to reach these =
moms early,before the problem magnified.///!  And am sharing copy of JHL =
with hospital and alternatives to shields in Human Lactation.

         Mom goes on to say that she had been using ACE bandages to =
         instructions given her by her OB HCP and low and =
behold,Mastitis occurred
         one week after the weaning/binding occurred.....

We talked about fibrocystic-Yes,she has it and had been catching up on =
drinking caffeineted beverages,etc.
And Ice,which had never been mentioned to her recollection.I mentioned =
possibility of Yeast but she said
babe has no s/s will check on her in a week or she will call =

Mom c/o deep,stinging pains not like her let-downs.I asked her if she's =
pregnant...she said no,her period started last
few days.....She noticed these pains around the time her Md  RX birth =
control pills,and after 2 days of increased breast
pain,she stopped the pills.....

So,it has been exactly 6 weeks since she stopped nursing and these pains =
persist.Possibly laying off caffeine and ice
will improve situation,but is it possible that there is candida due to =
HX of nipple trauma and mastitis.I think so,but I haven't
heard of this before.=20

Is there data re breast binding...I told the office nurse that this is =
not routinely recommeded and is controversial but couldn't site
a reference...I will check earlier digests--if anyone knows the =
particular date thank you.
Denise Ferrell,IBCLC
New Palestine,IN