My apologies to those who have recvd this more than once.

I read in the Sydney Morning Herald yesterday that AOL has banned the
use of the word BREAST  by its users. I cannot say what this does to my
equanimity. I am sure you can all imagine!

I believe this has something to do with the recent outburst in the US
of "let's clean up this nasty internet place" which has culminated
(there's wishful thinking for you) in some legislation in the US Congress
making it an offence to knowingly transmit anything known to be
pornographic or offensive?????? Just let them try and prosecute me!

Now without getting onto any soapboxes (well not really) can someone
please verify this information for me? This business is just not even
approaching satisfactory.

Ladies and Gentlemen, if anyone here considers the word BREAST offensive
could they please make an appointment with their chosen health care


| Narelle Clark                                [log in to unmask] |
| Data Network Administrator, ITD                ph: +612 330 2030 |
| University of Technology, Sydney              fax: +612 330 1994 |
| PO Box 123 Broadway 2007                                         |
| NSW AUSTRALIA                                                    |
|    Whoever said the Internet was an Information Superhighway     |
|    hasn't followed a Kangaroo Trail! It looks the same to me!    |
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