Bravo, Diane!  Breastfeeding is normal. Keep saying it. One of the most
political statements anyone can make is pointing that out.  And then duck
your head as "you know what" hits the fan.  That's why my FactPacks are
stated as they are.

Any statement that "BF is better" establishes BoF (artificial feeding or
bottle feeding) as the norm.  If A is better than B, then the converse is
also true - B is worse than A. If you stand on breastfeeding, artificial
feeding looks worse. It's the other side of the same coin. If you want "to
increase breastfeeding to at least 75%," then the re-framed goal should be
stated "to reduce artificial feeding to less than 25%."  Semantics is

This deliberate disconfirmation is precisely what causes discomfort, which is
the first step in changing attitudes, according to Lewin's change theory.
This is how I earned my "zealot" label from a state government official.  I
now wear it proudly.

Linda Smith in Dayton Ohio (Granny Zealot)