Alright, I can't resist one more dentist story. I, too, wanted a dentist
who would allow me in the room if my child needed me. Of course, they
look at you so suspiciously.....  My fears turned out to be unfounded. I
would take my children in, and since they weren't fearful or concerned, I
left them alone but waited where I could hear them. Never have any of my
children needed me! On top of that, I had one child, my son, who *always*
went to sleep during teeth cleanings, fillings, etc. No, he wasn't
traumatized, he just got bored and "checked out". None of my children
have ever had fears, and on the occasions that I *wanted* to be in the
room for a special reason, the dentist allowed it even though it was
against their official policy. I guess I'm lucky that it has worked out
so well for my family.

Lisa Marasco, BA, LLLL, IBCLC
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