Eileen Martell wrote:

>3.      Re:  Judy Dunlap (Re; nipple stimulation) mentioned (23/11/95)
>continues to be released throughout feed, multiple times... without this
>...breasts won't empty completely.
>Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought the breasts are never completely
>If we lead mothers to think this then many will believe they don't have
>milk to feed their babies.  Carification please.

You're right, of course, but with this group of readers, I figured the intent
of my question would be clear--that is, would enough milk be removed from the
breast at each feeding to stimulate adequate ongoing production.  I don't use
that terminology with moms if I have my wits about me (which is iffy, I
admit, sometimes <G>), and in fact, twice this past week, to correct that
misconception,  used the analogy that somebody offered here on Lactnet, of
the sink filling, then emptying when the plug is removed, while the faucet
runs continuously.  Thanks for pointing that out as a potential problem if
used with clients.

Judy Dunlap, RNC, IBCLC