In a message dated 95-10-28 09:55:02 EDT, you write:

>BTW, I can touch the tip of my nose with my tongue too!  :D  I can also turn
>it upside down and also curl it up so the sides touch!
>More tongue games anyone?  :)
>Can anyone tie a knot in a marachino cherry stem?

I was brfed (with bottle supplements) for 9 months and I think I have a very
average, nl tongue.  I also sucked my thumb for 7 yrs---I can touch my nose,
curl my tongue *and* tie the cherry stem.  All this has always been a joke
about presumed abilities where kissing is concerned--never had it occurred to
me to wonder about my feeding Hx.  I do find myself (in the last 24 hrs)
watching how everyone brings food to their mouths!--Nancy