In the interest of protecting everyone here, I remind you all that there are
several comments in the book Bottle Feeding Without Guilt that were gleaned
from email lists and the like.

There is nothing stopping anyone from listening in here and quoting us
without permission...horrific as they may sound.  IN fact, just today, I
opened a package from a well known company..I had bought some slow flow
nipples to sell, and lo and behold, on the package insert, was a quote from
BF and Human Lactation,..which sure looked to me like it was an
endorsement. One of the authors of this text,...mother to Lactnet, had no
idea it was even there..


Heed the warning. Not saying that anyone has done anything wrong.  TO the
contrary..., but for your own safety...know that this is a public list.

Kathleen B. Bruce, BSN, IBCLC, LLL Leader
Co-Owner Lactnet, LLLOL, Corgi-L E-mail lists
"The better part of one's life consists in his friendships." Abraham
Lincoln, 1849.