I'm currently four months along in my sixth pregnancy.  I miscarried my first
at four months and had no nausea.  My second pregnancy (my first delivery) I
threw up at least once every day for the entire nine months.  I was working
then, so I'd be sick in the ladies room preferably, but also in the
wastebasket at my desk, on the subway, in the street and in the cafeteria!
 It was not pretty....
My third pregnancy I was also sick and was reassured that my pregnancy would
be viable but I again miscarried.  I was still nursing baby #1 who was 2 1/2.
 My fourth pregnancy I was hardly sick at all past the first trimester.  I
nursed baby #1 throughout the pregnancy (she was now 4).
My fifth pregnancy I again had sickness in the first trimester but it was
even easier than the previous one.  Baby #1 was no longer nursing.  Baby #2
nursed until about 7 mos then weaned himself.
My sixth and current pregnancy baby #3 is still nursing -as I'm typing, as a
matter of fact.  She has just turned three.  I'm still a little nauseous on
and off, but not bad.  I feel the nausea has gotten milder with each
pregnancy.  I'm so sensitive to smells that I can't imagine fixing formula
while I was pregnant!
I apologize for sending this to Lactnet but I delted the original letter and
can't remember who requested the info.
Cynthia D. Payne, LLL