Have any of you seen Ross's latest abomination?  There was a coupon in
Sunday's Wash. Post for "Boost" formula marketed for non-elderly
adults.  Now, let me see, we've got formula for infants, follow-up
formula for older babies, Toddlers' Best, Pediasure, Ensure, and now
Boost.  Have we left anyone out?  Does anyone need to chew any calories

Rachael Hamlet

> I agree with Deena.  Juice is sugar water with vitamins.  Cranberry
> "juice" has more added sugar than soda pop.  (put your fingers into your
> ears now, because I plan to shout:  CHEW YOUR CALORIES OTHER THAN
>  Now I feel better!  I think that if I could distill my diet instructions
> down to just one sentence that the above sentence would fit nearly
> everybody I have seen in the past 2 weeks.
> Martha Brower RD LD IBCLC ( who is tired of seeing Heaven Knows What in
> bottles and who also agrees that those who give out marginal diet advice
> should be held accountable.)