Dear Lactnetters,
    Request for info
    I am in the process of formulating the research question for my thesis. I
am looking at factors that interrupt the initiation of bf. I plan to look at
medications given the mother during labor. Being in the academic world, I am
removed from the birth scene. I am asking for your input.
1. When mothers are unmedicated, are you seeing problems with initiation of
bf?  Latch-on problems?  If you see problems, do they seem to be related to
the course of labor?
2.  If you have any thoughts you would like to share, e.g., factors that may
disrupt the initiation of bf, such as oral Vit K, circumcision, etc. I would
be interested.
I am familiar with much of the literature (e.g. early and frequent bf). I'm
interested in observations, hunches, undocumented factors.
Please e-mail me. Many thanks for any help you can give!